How to run a cron job as a specific user?

Solution 1:

Assuming you can't just log in and add it to that user's crontab, put a file in /etc/cron.d. It should be formatted as a normal cronjob, but with an extra field. Before the command to run and after the timing, put the user. You should be able to find examples already on your system.


#<timing>   <user> <command>
11 * * * *  root   /usr/lib/command

Solution 2:

As root, to edit the cron of user1:

crontab -u user1 -e

You can also start your command with:

su user1 -c foo bar

But often, the scripts themselves reduce their own access when started as root.

Solution 3:

I have been looking for this for a couple weeks and this finally worked...

Create your script as user1

ssh user1@ipaddress

enter some command

echo "YAY it works" > /home/user1/yay.txt

make it executable

chmod 755

edit the crontab for user1

sudo crontab -u user1 -e

put a line at the bottom pointing to your script(s)

# m h  dom mon dow   command
*   *   *   *   *    bash ./

exit - saving changes (it will show a /tmp directory when saving... it's ok)

wait for the turn of the minute

open your newly create yay.txt

nano /home/user1/yay.txt

you should now have a nano window open with "YAY it works" as the first and only line if the bottom of your nano window say New File... well.. i dunno

you can also check your newly crontab entry for user1 at: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/user1


Solution 4:

Sometimes you may want the user load his environment, especially when using rbenv, nvm, just like this:

0 0 * * * source ~/.bash_profile && cd /opt/app/current && bundle exec ruby ...

(here the command source ~/.bash_profile will load your Ruby or Node environment.)