Bootcamp - No ISO Option

I followed this tutor here and got success:

The "Create a Windows 7 install disk" option is hidden because your system's capabilities are limited. For instance, older Macs can not boot from external USB disks, therefore creating an installer onto a USB disk would make no sense.

Still, if you want to create an installer on an external disk regardless, all you have to do is edit Boot Camp Assistant's "Info.plist" file:

  1. Open Package content of Boot Camp Assistant app, backup Info.plist file somewhere, then open the old one with XCode.
  2. Edit file:
    • Edit section's title: PreUSBBootSupportedModels to USBSupportedModels (if it's already USBBootSupportedModels -> skip this step)
    • Add your System's model identifier(Find it by System Information app) into USBSupportedModels section.
    • Add your Boot ROM version (Find by System Information app) to DARequiredROMVersions section
    • Save.
  3. Restart BootCamp

A comment of @dusanvf:

If your Bootcamp crashes after this, write this into terminal:

sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\

Here is the page which helped me to enable this option Create a Windows Install USB on OS X Yosemite.

Creating a Windows installer from OS X is actually quite simple - Boot Camp Assistant can do it for you. If you’re on a newer machine without an optical drive, you probably have an option that says “Create a Windows 7 or later version install disk”. Click that and point it to your ISO image. Done.

If you’re on an older machine (like my Hoth), you won’t find this option. Don’t Panic! Hacking Boot Camp Assistant into small bits and reassembling it will do the trick.

First of all, we’ll modify Boot Camp Assistant’s Info.plist. It’s at /Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp Open it in your favorite text editor. (Note: this requires elevated privileges).

Note: If you are running OS X 10.11 or newer, you will be unable to edit Info.plist. Instead, copy Boot Camp to your desktop, and follow the instructions using the copy.

Once we’re in Info.plist, we’ll tell it which machines can create USB disks. Look for the key PreUSBBootSupportedModels. Change it to USBBootSupportedModels. Makes sense, right? Save.

Then, we’ll need to resign Boot Camp Assistant, otherwise it will refuse to run. For this, we’ll need the Xcode command line tools installed. Then it’s as easy as

sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\

Now restart Boot Camp Assistant, and you’ll find the option you were looking for.

If anybody is struggling with this on Mojave (10.14) it's pretty simple:

  1. Copy Boot Camp to your desktop (just select it inside Applications/Utilites cmd+c and cmd+v on your desktop)
  2. On your desktop, tap on the boot camp icon with ctrl + click which opens contextual menu, select show contents and open info.plist in Xcode.
  3. Remove pre from PreUSBBootSupportedModels, so only USBBootSupportedModels remains and add your model in there.
  4. Add your model also inside ExternalInstallOnlyModels
  5. Open Boot Camp from desktop and you will see the option.

If the "Create a Windows 7 or later install disk" check box does not appear, then this usually means an USB flash drive can not be used to install Windows on your Mac. An example of this check box is shown below. Since your Mac does not show this check box, I assume you have an optical drive. You need to burn the iso image to a blank DVD using the Disk Utility application.

Now there are ways to make this check box appear so the files can be copied to the flash drive, but most likely the firmware in your Mac will not allow you to boot Windows from a flash drive. Even if you can boot to OS X using a flash drive, this does not mean you can boot to Windows using a flash drive. You may need to boot to Windows from the optical drive to install it on to your internal drive.

Steps to burn an iso to DVD: (Taken from Burn ISO in Mac OS X)

  1. Open the “Disk Utility” app, it’s located in /Applications/Utilities/
  2. Pull down the File menu and select ‘Open Disk Image’
  3. Navigate to the ISO image file that you want burned and click “OK”
  4. Insert a Blank DVD
  5. Select "Verify burned data"
  6. Click ‘Burn’ and wait until the image has finished burning to the disc

As for the drivers for Windows. You can either download them using the Boot Camp Assistant or download them from Boot Camp: System requirements for Microsoft Windows operating systems. You install the drivers after you finish installing Windows.

One final note: Do not change the partitioning using anything from Microsoft. The partitioning can only be successfully changed using OS X software. The only exception is Windows can format the BOOTCAMP partition.

Boot Camp Assistant Window