Does anyone know how to resize images proportionally using JavaScript?

I have tried to modify the DOM by adding attributes height and width on the fly, but seems did not work on IE6.

Solution 1:

To modify an image proportionally, simply only alter one of the width/height css properties, leave the other set to auto. = '50%' = 'auto'

This will ensure that its aspect ratio remains the same.

Bear in mind that browsers tend to suck at resizing images nicely - you'll probably find that your resized image looks horrible.

Solution 2:

okay it solved, here is my final code

if($(this).width() > $(this).height()) { 
} else {

Thanks guys

Solution 3:

I have answered this question here: How to resize images proportionally / keeping the aspect ratio?. I am copying it here because I really think it is a very reliable method :)

  * Conserve aspect ratio of the original region. Useful when shrinking/enlarging
  * images to fit into a certain area.
  * @param {Number} srcWidth width of source image
  * @param {Number} srcHeight height of source image
  * @param {Number} maxWidth maximum available width
  * @param {Number} maxHeight maximum available height
  * @return {Object} { width, height }
function calculateAspectRatioFit(srcWidth, srcHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight) {

    var ratio = Math.min(maxWidth / srcWidth, maxHeight / srcHeight);

    return { width: srcWidth*ratio, height: srcHeight*ratio };

Solution 4:

Instead of modifying the height and width attributes of the image, try modifying the CSS height and width.

myimg = document.getElementById('myimg'); = "50px"; = "50px";

One common "gotcha" is that the height and width styles are strings that include a unit, like "px" in the example above.

Edit - I think that setting the height and width directly instead of using style.height and style.width should work. It would also have the advantage of already having the original dimensions. Can you post a bit of your code? Are you sure you're in standards mode instead of quirks mode?

This should work:

myimg = document.getElementById('myimg');
myimg.height = myimg.height * 2;
myimg.width = myimg.width * 2;

Solution 5:

Tried the following code, worked OK on IE6 on WinXP Pro SP3.

function Resize(imgId)
  var img = document.getElementById(imgId);
  var w = img.width, h = img.height;
  w /= 2; h /= 2;
  img.width = w; img.height = h;

Also OK in FF3 and Opera 9.26.