How can I turn off backspace navigation in Chrome?
Some people seem to want to be able to have the delete key on a Mac behave as a backspace key and go back when navigating web pages (ie, this question here). As I commented there, I believe that this behavior on a Mac would be a bug, since the command-left arrow combination already lets the user go back. Furthermore, since Chrome doesn't save form information, going back is actually a serious hassle, because I'll lose all of my entered information with one errant keystroke.
So how can I turn this behavior off in Chrome on the Mac?
Solution 1:
Chrome doesn't have keyboard shortcut remapping functionality, but you can install a free extension to do so (Shortcut Manager). After installing the extension, click the All shortcuts list radio option to reveal all the in-use shortcuts, clicking the small pencil where edits are required.
Solution 2:
In the question you linked to, I found one answer that looks good, that perhaps you could explain why it doesn't work for you :
The extension BackspaceMeansBackspace :
Prevents the Backspace key from triggering the browser Back action, but backspace still works.
Another extension (not found in that article) that you might try out is BackStop.
Solution 3:
You can use AutoHotKey for this, download it and install it on your system. It is a script programming software after installing it use the following script:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
BackSpace::Send, {Left}{Delete}
Copy and paste it on notepad and then save it using .ahk
extension and when you double click on it, it will launch in the system tray with a green icon. Now when you launch the Chrome and press the Backsapce key outside any text-area it will not redirect you back but works default in when you will type anything in Omnibox or text-field.
Solution 4:
Try using Goodbye Backspace! extension for Google Chrome. It's open source and available on GitHub.