Word that means "the front side of a person"? [closed]

He always found it easier to recall his girlfriend's back rather than her [...].


[And personally I would stay away from "front side" and "back side" (and backside).]

You’ve said it yourself: a person has a front side and a back side (just as they have a left side and a right side, or a top half and a bottom half, to cover the other two axes).

However, phrasing your sentence that way might come well across as indelicate or risqué:

He always found it easier to recall his girlfriend’s back side than her front side.

The problem of course is that one’s backside (note inaudible lack of space compared with back side) is generally taken to mean one’s derrière, and since this is in the context of a girlfriend, it is hard to find fault in the reader who jumps to the French reading.

It is not clear to me that simply omitting the word side there successfully sidesteps the potential for reading more into it than you presumably intend.

Yet even if you flee plain English to hide in Latin, although you should find that the somewhat clinical anterior is safe enough, you’ll also quickly find that the punsters have already called dibs on her posterior. :)

Latin also has distal and proximal to offer up as contrasting adjectives distinguishing a near piece from a far one, but you’re likely to lose your readership there unless you’re addressing a particularly erudite crowd.

Unless you are intentionally referencing her behind and her bosom here, if you want to play it safe, you may have little alternative but to resort to some longer, less direct sentence:

He always found it easier to remember what his girlfriend looked like walking away from him than what she looked like walking towards him.

Some readers still might draw their own conclusions about her behind or her bosom, but at least this way you put the onus of having a lascivious mind more on their shoulders than on your own.

Anterior, but it’s quite a technical term. Depending on context, it can also mean nearer to the head.