antonym of "spoiled"

I'm looking for an antonym of the word spoiled.

The sense of spoiled I have in mind is a positive one: "I've become spoiled by these comfy shoes."

I'm looking for a word or short phrase to say: "I've become antispoiled by these horrible shoes and now any other pair would be comfortable."

The closest phrase that I'm aware of is to have one's standards lowered, which isn't quite the same thing and certainly isn't very pithy.

While indurated and hardened are probably better when you're intending to exaggerate (although indurated is not in common usage and sounds somewhat pompous), I would recommend the phrase used to:

"I've gotten used to wearing uncomfortable shoes; I can wear anything on my feet now"

is the most common opposite of

"I've been spoiled by these comfortable shoes, I can't wear anything else now".

I think deprived pretty much captures exactly this feeling.

I have been so deprived by these shoes, anything else would feel like angel wings by comparison!"

The implication here is not that the speaker has turned their adversity into a strength (such as with the use of the word hardened), or somehow overcome their disadvantage; that would imply a positive connotation. Rather, they have been “defeated” by it, and even a minor improvement over their current situation would seem grand by comparison.

I think the second definition of hardened is closest to the specific situation you describe in which exposure to something unpleasant increases your tolerance for that type of unpleasantness:

2.Experienced in a particular job or activity and therefore not easily upset by its more unpleasant aspects: hardened police officers