What is on the preinstalled SD card?

I bought a plain (non-special-edition) Nintendo 3DS XL, turned it on, and followed the initial setup instructions. Once it was all set up, I removed the preinstalled SD card and inserted a fresh 32GB card I purchased for this purpose.

It wasn't until nearly 24 hours worth of play time later that I discovered (by putting it in my computer) that the original SD card had data on it, in the Nintendo 3DS folder. More than 20MB worth.

Now, I didn't download any games prior to swapping cards, I finished the initial setup (connect to Wifi, etc.) and immediately powered it off and replaced the card.

So what am I missing? What data comes on the preinstalled SD card?

I just looked into that SD card the other day actually. On my 3DS, the memory had to do with a "Dinosaur Video" application that I never used nor opened, and the rest was either "update notice" messages or screenshots I had saved.

In other words, nothing important that will hinder your future gaming experience.