Any way to override .NET Windows Service Name without recompiling?

I have a windows service executable that I know is written in .NET which I need to install under a different service name to avoid a conflict. The install doesn't provide anyway to specify a service name. If I only have access to the binary, is there anyway to override the service name when I install it with installutil?

Solution 1:

Do you have to use InstallUtil? Here are the commands to do what you want using sc:

sc create MyService binPath= "MyService.exe" DisplayName= "MyService"  
sc description MyService "My description"


Solution 2:

It is not true that InstallUtil doesn't allow you to configure the service name. I do it all the time like this

InstallUtil.exe /servicename="<service name>" "<path to service exe>"

Solution 3:

  1. Add project installer to your service
  2. Add method to get CustomService name

    private void RetrieveServiceName() 
        var serviceName = Context.Parameters["servicename"];
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName))
            this.SomeService.ServiceName = serviceName;
            this.SomeService.DisplayName = serviceName;
  3. call on install and uninstall

    public override void Install(System.Collections.IDictionary stateSaver)
    public override void Uninstall(System.Collections.IDictionary savedState)
  4. installutil /servicename=”My Service [SysTest]” d:\pathToMyService\Service.exe


Solution 4:

enter image description here

This exactly worked for me!

I hope someone can use this.