
  • Savings
  • Shavings
  • Drippings

Are these gerunds?

I found some resources (below) that don't seem to provide definitive answers.

  • Page 57

  • Page 320

Solution 1:

This is so confusing, that if I placed itmes in the wrong category, please correct it for me!

Three types of English words ending with "ing":

  • present participle
  • gerund
  • verbal noun

Present participles

  1. can be used as adjectives.

    • Running dogs don't die.
    • Could you get your fucking feet off my couch?
    • The painting professionals are painting the house.
  2. are present activities that can describe the state of perpetrator of the activity

    • They are running
    • The cows are coming home
    • The gravy is dripping in the oven.
    • She is fucking his feet on the couch.
    • The painting professionals are painting the house.
    • She was painting Mona Lisa.


  1. They are a noun form. They are not used as adjectives.

    • She is very good at fucking.
    • They enjoy smoking.
    • I enjoy swimming and painting.
  2. They can be transitive to a direct object. But they are non-prepositional to the object.

    • She is very good at fucking people's feet off the couch.
    • They like painting trees.
    • Painting professionals like painting professionals. = Painting professionals like to paint professionals.
    • They enjoy smoking weed.
    • Mrs Gujeratnam's hosting a party is exciting her students.
    • She enjoys painting Mona Lisa.
  3. They can be a possession of the perpetrator.

    • I appreciate your walking my dog.
    • He loves her fucking his feet.
    • The painting professionals' painting professionals are painting professionals off the street.
    • Mrs Gujeratnam's hosting a party is exciting her students.
    • Her swimming is very versatile.
    • Her painting Mona Lisa is her enjoying life.

Verbal nouns

They are

  1. finalized derivatives of gerunds and participles.

    • The sold me a fake painting.
    • Please put the bowl of gravy drippings in the freezer.
    • The "Fucking" is a pornographic movie.
    • Look at all your shavings in the sink. What a mess!
    • I have $3 millions in my bank savings.
    • The gasket is shielded by a steel housing.
  2. Cannot be transitive to a direct object, but requires a preposition

    • Da Vinci's painting of Mona Lisa is worth half a billion dollars.
    • The gasket is shielded by a steel housing compartment.
  3. They are usable as adjectives but only due to their finalized verbal nouns.

    • The dripping pan in the oven is rusty.
    • The swimming pool is open to public.
    • I have $3 million in my savings bank account.

Gerunds again

There are two modes of gerunds:

  1. adverbial gerunds - modifiable by adverbs.
    • Their rowing quickly is exciting the crowd.
  2. adjectival gerunds - modifiable by adjectives.
    • Their quick running saved the day and won them a medal.

Solution 2:

They are verbal nouns, i.e. ones to which an aura of verbiness still clings because of the fact that a particular action or process was necessary to bring them into existence. (For more info, see here, and/or Google "verbal noun".)