pass two models to view [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You can create special viewmodel that contains both models:

public class CurrencyAndWeatherViewModel
   public IEnumerable<Currency> Currencies{get;set;}
   public Weather CurrentWeather {get;set;}

and pass it to view.

public ActionResult Index(int year,int month,int day)
    var currencies = from r in _db.Currencies
                where == new DateTime(year,month,day)
                select r;
    var weather = ...

    var model = new CurrencyAndWeatherViewModel {Currencies = currencies.ToArray(), CurrentWeather = weather};

    return View(model);

Solution 2:

You have to create a new model which has to contain the whole objects that you want to pass it to view. You should create a model (class, object) which inherits the base model (class, object).

And other suggestion you may send objects (models) via View["model1"] and View["model2"] or just an array that contains objects to pass it and cast them inside the view which I don't advise .