How Do I install the Nagios check_snmp Plugin?

Solution 1:

This is in the nagios-plugins-standard package. I'd suggest installing the nagios-plugins package, as that will install it, as well as the nagios-plugins-basic package:

sudo apt-get install nagios-plugins

Then, your SNMP plugin will be available in:


Solution 2:

On your monitoring server:

sudo apt-get install nagios-plugins

All standarded plugins will be installed in


Not in


Please see Nagios - Official Ubuntu Documentation in the section of "Configuration Overview"

Then in


you will find snap.cfg, which assigns each command_line a correspondent command_name.

For example

define command{
    command_name    snmp_load
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_snmp -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' -C '$ARG1$' -o .$