Unterminated entity reference in PHP

Here is my code:

// 27/01/2016 Edit:
$result = mysql_query("A Long mysql query");
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('<rss version="2.0" />');
$products = $rss->addChild('products');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$product = $products->addChild('category');

Header('Content-type: text/xml');

and here is the error:

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild() [simplexmlelement.addchild]: unterminated entity reference _Coke.jpg in C:\wamp\www\rabwah\core.php on line 40

The error is in the line with '$row[imag_url]'.

This correctly encodes the & < > and "" ''

$parent->addChild($name, htmlspecialchars($value));

SimpleXMLElement is actually a system resource which behaves like an object. Which makes working with loops tricky. So when trying to add new child elements instead of this:

$product->addchild('element', $value);

do this:

$product->element = $value;

or you can use htmlspecialchars(), to escape html characters.


mysql_* is deprecated as of php-5.5 and removed as of php-7. So instead use mysqli_* or PDO.
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

My solution to this is specifically creating a text node, which makes sure absolutely everything is escaped properly:

$cell = $dom->createElement('td');