Move cursor to end of file in vim

When I want the cursor to go to the end of the file (i.e. the end of the last line) in Vim, I have to type six keystrokes:

<ESC>G$a - which translates to ESC + Shiftg + Shift4 + a on my keyboard layout.

How can I do this more efficiently?

Since I regularly work on many different machines, I cannot always change .vimrc, so I'm looking for answers without having to edit or create that file.

Solution 1:

This is quicker. Just use this


Solution 2:

No need to explicitly go to the end of line before doing a, use A;
Append text at the end of line [count] times


Solution 3:

Hit Esc and then press: Shift + G

Solution 4:

For starters, there's no need for the return. G$ will do. And you're being misleading by counting <Esc> and a in the length of a normal mode command.

However, you can use Ctrl + End if you like.