Linux 'Byobu' equivelant for mac

So at home ive been a linux user for a while, and frequently use byobu in the terminal. After a little searching I was unable to find anything like it for a mac, which I now have to use at work. I'm curious as to there being any software available to macs that can do this, or has a similar setup.

No need to look for an equivalent. It's available for the Mac. You can quickly and easily install it using the excellent Homebrew package manager. Once you have Homebrew installed, just type brew install byobu from the Terminal. It'll download the source, configure and install it.

Sorry to necro an old post, but I am adding my own tricks and hacks that were needed to get this to work, since this is the first result for "byobu on mac".

After performing brew install byobu, I encountered the same error that @jrwen encountered. I tried to install both coreutils and tmux, but it turned out that I had coreutils installed. However my $PATH was setup in such a way that /usr/local/bin came towards the end so the mac versions were always found first. I fixed this by adding

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH 

to my ~/.bashrc and sourcing it.

After this I still got an error saying

/usr/local/bin/byobu: line 53: ../Cellar/byobu/blah blah : No such file or directory

Not sure what brought this on, but the hack that I used to fix this was to add

cd /usr/local/bin 

To the top of my /usr/local/bin/byobu script

It now works!!!