How to move text up/down in Notes using keyboard shortcut?

I want to move text up/down in Notes via the keyboard. I know it is possible in xcode with + + [ or + + ]. But it doesn't work in Notes. Any ideas?

Solution 1:

This should be possible using Cocoa bindings - see this answer:


The example below (taken from the link above) binds a 'move line down' shortcut to Opt-DownArrow - you should be able to modify this to meet your needs.

Create the file ~/Library/Keybindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict and enter the following:

    "~\UF701" = (

This will add the shortcut Opt-DownArrow for a line-swap command (with the line below) to every application supporting the Cocoa text system.

Solution 2:

Building on David P.'s answer and a little Google-fu, I have come up with the following. I've included the explanatory comments because I found them very helpful.

/* ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.Dict

Here is a rough cheatsheet for syntax.
Key Modifiers
^ : Ctrl
$ : Shift
~ : Option (Alt)
@ : Command (Apple)
# : Numeric Keypad

Non-Printable Key Codes

Up Arrow:     \UF700        Backspace:    \U0008        F1:           \UF704
Down Arrow:   \UF701        Tab:          \U0009        F2:           \UF705
Left Arrow:   \UF702        Escape:       \U001B        F3:           \UF706
Right Arrow:  \UF703        Enter:        \U000A        ...
Insert:       \UF727        Page Up:      \UF72C
Delete:       \UF728        Page Down:    \UF72D
Home:         \UF729        Print Screen: \UF72E
End:          \UF72B        Scroll Lock:  \UF72F
Break:        \UF732        Pause:        \UF730
SysReq:       \UF731        Menu:         \UF735
Help:         \UF746

delete:       \U007F

For a good reference see

NOTE: typically the Windows 'Insert' key is mapped to what Macs call 'Help'.
Regular Mac keyboards don't even have the Insert key, but provide 'Fn' instead,
which is completely different.
    "~\UF700" = (
    "~\UF701" = (

The behaviour mimics that of Visual Studio Code's Option-Up and Option-Down keybindings, which move the line up or down respectively and have the cursor follow the line. (Note that the cursor jumps to the beginning of the line, however)

Solution 3:

CMD + CTRL and up or down arrows works in BigSur.