Java - Common Gotchas [closed]

In the same spirit of other platforms, it seemed logical to follow up with this question: What are common non-obvious mistakes in Java? Things that seem like they ought to work, but don't.

I won't give guidelines as to how to structure answers, or what's "too easy" to be considered a gotcha, since that's what the voting is for.

See also:

  • Perl - Common gotchas
  • .NET - Common gotchas

Solution 1:

Comparing equality of objects using == instead of .equals() -- which behaves completely differently for primitives.

This gotcha ensures newcomers are befuddled when "foo" == "foo" but new String("foo") != new String("foo").

Solution 2:


returns 4, not 7 as you might (and I certainly did) expect. split ignores all trailing empty Strings returned. That means:


returns 7! To get what I would think of as the "least astonishing" behaviour, you need to do something quite astonishing:


to get 7.