Is oneNote 'pro' discontinued? It does not (seem to) come with the office package anymore. I ran the installer several times and it did not install it. Also, the logo does not show up in the list of what will be installed by the installer:

enter image description here

Whatever the answer, I wonder how to recover my notebooks.

I contacted Office support and they did not seem to be aware of any issue, all they told was to uninstall and reinstall, and maybe reboot.

Edit: Daniel B's answer works to install oneNote. However for some reason, it seems bad at finding cloud saved notebooks.

Basically, on this same PC, just another windows install (win 10 later upgraded to win 11), I just installed Office, got OneNote and it found my old notebooks from there, which are different than those from OneNote for Windows 10.

Solution 1:

No, it is not discontinued (not yet, anyway). It has not been updated beyond its 2016 version, which no longer “fits” the current Office (dubbed Office 2019). So Microsoft decided at some point to exclude it. Later, it was apparently superficially updated and included again.

You can find this information here. On this page, you will also find a download link for an updated version of the Office 365 installer.

I have Office 365 on my PC and it came with OneNote.