Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio

I need to enable google+ api, so I need the debug.keystore. I switched to Android Studio and do not know where it is. I can find it in eclipse at path ~/.android/debug.keystore.

EDIT Step 1) Go to File > Project Structure > select project > go to "signing" and select your default or any keystore you want and fill all the details. In case you are not able to fill the details, hit the green '+' button. I've highlighted in the screenshot.enter image description here

Step 2) VERY IMPORTANT: Goto Build Types> select your build type and select your "Signing Config". In my case, I've to select "config". Check the highlighted region. enter image description here

  • For Windows User: C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore (Replace USERNAME with your actual PC user name)

  • For Linux or Mac OS User: ~/.android/debug.keystore

After you will get SHA1 by below Code using Command Prompt:

  keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

In Android Studio you can find all your app signing information without any console command:

  1. Open your project

  2. Click on Gradle from right side panel

  3. In Gradle projects panel open folders: Your Project -> Tasks-> Android

  4. Run signingReport task (double click) and you will see the result in Gradle console (keystore paths,SHA1,MD5 and so on).

signingReport task and its result