How do I put Windows 11 on an HP ProBook 4530s with an unsupported CPU, no TPM and no secure boot?

I am trying to install Windows 11 on my ProBook 4530s however, nothing I try will work. here are some things I have tried:

  1. Using regedit to add the following keys:

BypassRAMCheck set to 1

BypassTPMCheck set to 1

BypassSecureBootCheck set to 1

AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU set to 1 (this was already present and already had the value 1)

  1. Using the installation assistant, this simply says the computer isn't compatible and only gives me the option to exit.

  2. Signing up for the insider program and attempting to update.

  3. After using the health checker app it still gives errors for TPM, CPU and secure boot.

Is there a way that I can maybe create a patched .iso that will ignore the requirements? Is there a module that I can physically put in the laptop?

Thanks in advance:)

Solution 1:

what are the chances that these requirements will be lowered in the future?

Microsoft will absolutely NOT change the system requirements for Windows 11 to support your hardware. The system requirements might be updated to support newer CPUs and/or newer revisions of TPM once they are released.

Your hardware is NOT compatible with Windows 11. Any method to install Windows 11 will require using AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU to bypass those system requirement. If your system doesn’t have enough memory then neither the reference script nor Rufus can create a compatible ISO for your machine.

Is there a module that I can physically put in the laptop?

Your hardware cannot be upgraded to support Windows 11.

Is there a way that I can maybe create a patched .iso that will ignore the requirements?

The current version of Rufus will create a patched ISO, however, it cannot be used to upgrade your current installation. There is also this script that do a similar function. All modern Intel and AMD CPUs support fTPM and Secure Boot, however, not all motherboards support it.

Solution 2:

I have done it on several PC's using rufus beta version.

You can only do a clean install though.

It looks like rufus pulled the beta version from their website, but I am sure you can find it elsewhere. I used rufus-3.16_BETA2