Windows Domain replication monitoring tool
I am looking for web-based interface GUI, or some kind of monitoring tool that will show replication status for a domain.
I know I can use repadmin with various options on the command line to query the status. I thought about creating a script they could run when they are interested in the status, but they will probably be more interested in some kind of status page.
(This answer is a supplement to my other answer to this question.)
Then again, there is a powershell script here, where the guy basically runs as a Cronjob which emails him the status every 4 hours.
Taking his script, it would be fairly easy to (again) run as a cron and output to html, and have your team refresh their page periodically (or Javascript page reload every X seconds.)
I realize this question is super-old, but this tool just recently came out, and this post came up while I was searching for it because I couldn't quite remember the name, and so I'll just leave this here in case anyone else passes through looking for this tool like I just did:
AD Replication Status Tool:
How about the one that comes with windows support tools, replmon. But it is not a web gui, with fancy graph and etc.