How to create an 2D ArrayList in java? [duplicate]
Solution 1:
I want to create a 2D array that each cell is an ArrayList!
If you want to create a 2D array of ArrayList
.Then you can do this :
ArrayList[][] table = new ArrayList[10][10];
table[0][0] = new ArrayList(); // add another ArrayList object to [0,0]
table[0][0].add(); // add object to that ArrayList
Solution 2:
The best way is to use a List
within a List
List<List<String>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
Solution 3:
1st of all, when you declare a variable in java, you should declare it using Interfaces even if you specify the implementation when instantiating it
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
should be written
List<List<String>> listOfLists = new ArrayList<List<String>>(size);
Then you will have to instantiate all columns of your 2d array
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
listOfLists.add(new ArrayList<String>());
And you will use it like this :
But if you really want to "create a 2D array that each cell is an ArrayList!"
Then you must go the dijkstra way.