Print not working for MS Word docs with tables of contents (other factors seem N/A)

Solution 1:


Go to: Options > Display > Printing Options
Check-in: Update Fields Before Printing

You will then have to respond to the "Update..." prompt every time you want to print the file. But at least the workaround works.

As long as the file is saved with this option in any Word file on the same drive, then the fix persists (because the set option becomes the same for all Word files).

These are the steps in Office/Word 2019 on Windows 10 on a PC, in a single-license environment. The steps may be different in other environments.


The problem started occurring after I had received a Word 365 file from someone. Whenever they send a file, the problem recurs. They work on an instution-provided Mac (I have a single-license PC).


This is a bug reported as far back as January 2021 that Microsoft keeps asserting is fixed with whatever the update-du-jour is. But as of today (Dec. 23, 2021) it is still not fixed. Also, at the Microsoft tech community site, the discussion seems to center on Word 365 used in multi-license, business environments.

The solution described above has consistently worked for me. I have tested it "six ways from Sunday" in my environment. Though it's a PITA to update multiple ToCs in large documents, changing the setting as described has worked without fail for me. So far.

For more information about the problem, see:

  • Printing a range of pages in a multi-section document stopped working

  • Word not printing selected pages when page numbering is set to Page 1 of X

Scroll to the Doug Robbins reply on 9/22/21 with the graphics