specific combination of keys doesnt work on laptop [duplicate]

I'm not sure how to word the problem other than I can't use certain keys at the same time. For example, when playing games that require you to use the arrow keys to move and jump/duck I am unable to move to the left and jump (left arrow + up arrow) at the same time. As a result, I don't play many games when I get to a point where the jumps and what not are too far. This happens with other keys as well. In FPS I am unable to hold W to move forward and hit 2 to select my secondary weapon.

Some information that might help you:

  • I am using Windows 7 64-bit
  • I am using a Micro Innovations KB565BL keyboard

How can I fix this?

This is a hardware limitation, as the other answers suggest. I used to have the exact same problem gaming with an older logitech keyboard that had a 3-key rollover. Cheap keyboards frequently have this problem.

If you want to ensure that you never have to deal with this issue again, I suggest purchasing a das keyboard, which has N-key rollover. In other words, you could be pressing every key on the keyboard at once, and all of the keystrokes would still register.

Almost all consumer keyboards have combinations that don't work. It is unfortunate, but you just have to find the dead combinations and avoid using those keys for gaming.

However, even cheapo keyboards typically support 3-key rollover in which case you should not be able to hit a jamming combination with just two keys. If that's what's happening you have either a hardware fault or a spectacularly rubbish keyboard.

For anyone still having this problem, I've run into a similar issue recently, and I found out something interesting. How many keys I could push was actually affected by the USB port I was using. I found this out after moving my computer, and apparently plugging it into a different port than normal, where two button combinations that normally worked no longer did. After switching to a different port, the problem was resolved.

Hope this helps.