How to horizontally center an unordered list of unknown width?

It is common to have a set of links in a footer represented in a list, such as:

<div id="footer">
        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

I want everything inside div#footer to be centered horizontally. If it was a paragraph, you would just easily say: p { text-align: center; }. Or if I knew the width of the <ul> I could just say #footer ul { width: 400px; margin: 0 auto; }.

But how do you center the unordered list items without setting a fixed width on the <ul>?

EDIT: clarification - the list items should be next to each other, not below.

The solution, if your list items can be display: inline is quite easy:

#footer { text-align: center; }
#footer ul { list-style: none; }
#footer ul li { display: inline; }

However, many times you must use display:block on your <li>s. The following CSS will work, in this case:

#footer { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
#footer ul { list-style: none; position: relative; float: left; display: block; left: 50%; }
#footer ul li { position: relative; float: left; display: block; right: 50%; }

Use the below css to solve your issue

#footer{ text-align:center; height:58px;}
#footer ul {  font-size:11px;}
#footer ul li {display:inline-block;}

Note: Don't use float:left in li. it will make your li to align left.

One more solution:

#footer { display:table; margin:0 auto; }
#footer li { display:table-cell; padding: 0px 10px; }

Then ul doesn't jump to the next line in case of zooming text.

It depends on if you mean the list items are below the previous or to the right of the previous, ie:



Home | About | Contact

The first one you can do simply with:

#wrapper { width:600px; background: yellow; margin: 0 auto; }
#footer ul { text-align: center; list-style-type: none; }

The second could be done like this:

#wrapper { width:600px; background: yellow; margin: 0 auto; }
#footer ul { text-align: center; list-style-type: none; }
#footer li { display: inline; }
#footer a { padding: 2px 12px; background: orange; text-decoration: none; }
#footer a:hover { background: green; color: yellow; }