Does Kinect Infrared View Have an offset with the Kinect Depth View

Solution 1:

Depth and Color streams are not taken from the same point so they do not correspond to each other perfectly. Also they FOV (field of view) is different.

  1. cameras

    • IR/Depth FOV 58.5° x 45.6°
    • Color FOV 62.0° x 48.6°
    • distance between cameras 25mm
  2. my corrections for 640x480 resolution for both streams

    if (valid depth)
    • x,y are in coordinates in depth image
    • ax,ay are out coordinates in color image
    • xs,ys = 640,480
    • xs2,ys2 = 320,240

    as you can see my kinect has also y-offset which is weird (even bigger then x-offset). My conversion works well on ranges up to 2 m I did not measure it further but it should work even then

  3. do not forget to correct space coordinates from depth and depth image coordinates

    • where px,py,pz is point coordinate in [m] in space relative to kinect

    I use coordinate system for camera with opposite Z direction therefore the negation of sign

PS. I have old model 1414 so newer models have probably different calibration parameters

Solution 2:

There is no offset between the "IR View" and "Depth View". Primarily because they are the same thing.

The Kinect has 2 cameras. A RGB color camera and a depth camera, which uses an IR blaster to generate a field light field that is used when processing the data. These give you a color video stream and a depth data stream; there is no "IR view" separate from the depth data.

enter image description here


They are actually the same thing. What you are referring to as a "depth view" is simply a colorized version of of the "IR view"; the black-and-white image is the "raw" data, while the color image is a processed version of the same data.

In the Kinect for Windows Toolkit, have a look in the KinectWpfViewers project (if you installed the KinectExplorer-WPF example, it should be there). In there is the KinectDepthViewer and the DepthColorizer classes. They will demonstrate how the colorized "depth view" is created.


Per comments below what I've said above is almost entirely junk. I'll likely go edit it out or just delete my answer in full in the near future, until then it shall stand as a testament to my once invalid beliefs on what was coming from where.

Anyways... Have a look at the CoordinateMapper class as another possible solution. The link will take you to the managed code docs (which is what I'm familiar with), I'm looking around the C++ docs to see if I can find the equivalent.

I've used this to map the standard color and depth views. It may also map the IR view just as well (I wouldn't see why not), but I'm not 100% sure of that.

Solution 3:

I created a blog showing the IR and Depth views:

IR and Depth Views