How to safely recursively delete a directory in Windows?

Solution 1:

For deleting all files which are not a junction, this command should do it:

del /s /a:-l


  • /s : recurse
  • /a:-l : only files which are not reparse points

NTFS reparse points include Directory junctions, Symbolic links and Volume mount points.

A small test of what will be deleted can be done using the command:

dir /s /a:-l

(I would still take a backup of the folder if it's important.)

Solution 2:

rmdir will delete the symbolic link.

del will delete the links destination but not the link.

rmdir /S /Q will delete the directory recursively and won't follow symlinks.

I have tested and confirmed the behaviour with cmd in Windows 10:

#create directory structure
C:\Users\username\test>mkdir 1 2 3

C:\Users\username\test>mkdir 1\testdir

C:\Users\username\test>mkdir 1\testdir\1

#create symbolic link to directory

C:\Users\username\test>mklink /D testlink 1\testdir\1
symbolische Verknüpfung erstellt für testlink <<===>> 1\testdir\1


 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\username\test

28.12.2021  20:24    <DIR>          .
28.12.2021  20:24    <DIR>          ..
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          1
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          2
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          3
28.12.2021  20:24    <SYMLINKD>     testlink [1\testdir\1]
               0 Datei(en),              0 Bytes
               6 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei

#test rmdir with the named parameters
C:\Users\username\test>rmdir /s /q testlink


 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\username\test

28.12.2021  20:25    <DIR>          .
28.12.2021  20:25    <DIR>          ..
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          1
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          2
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          3
               0 Datei(en),              0 Bytes
               5 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei

C:\Users\username\test>cd 1\testdir\

#obviously the subdirectory in the linked-to directory is still there

 Verzeichnis von C:\Users\username\test\1\testdir

28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          .
28.12.2021  20:23    <DIR>          ..
28.12.2021  20:24    <DIR>          1
               0 Datei(en),              0 Bytes
               3 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei

According to this comment rmdir will behave different if invoked from powershell than from cmd, I have however not tested it with powershell.