is it possible to limit memory for my afk profile under 512MB in minecraft?

I want to use an AFK profile in Minecraft, but I can't seem to limit its ram usage. i tried using these JVM arguments: -Xmx512M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M, but it gives an error saying it 'couldn't create a java virtual machine' (1)

I tried 'process lasso' from this thread, but just like the other software, I couldn't find how to limit ram for only one app, and not all apps

ps: I don't use the actual launcher, I use this because I used to use it before getting Minecraft and got used to it. and for multiple instances, I use multi-mc loader


Minecraft requires 2GB of memory to function. You probably are limiting it so much that when you try to launch it, Minecraft tries to allocate the minimum amount of memory but you have only set aside 512MB, so it throws an error and doesn't launch.

Try changing -Xmx512M to -XmX2Gand it should work.