Your device is not eligible to join the windows insider program on windows 11

I was a Dev-Channel Insider when there was no Windows11. Once upgrading from win10 to win11 became available for Dev-Channel insiders, I did so.

Now that I'm using Windows11, I want to become Dev-Channel insider again. But windows11 does not let me to join the program.

This is the screenshot of the error: enter image description here

Does anyone know some hacks or tricks in order to ditch this error and join the insider program?

I'm using Windows 11 Enterprise, build 22000.348 version 21H2

Thank You.

Solution 1:

Does anyone know some hacks or tricks in order to ditch this error and join the insider program?

Since you are already running Windows 11 on unsupported hardware the simplest solution is to set AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU to 1 then download the current Developer channel ISO here and perform the upgrade.

The only other alternative is to upgrade your hardware to a supported processor.

I verified that I was able to download an Enterprise ISO from the website I linked, an alternative to the one I provided, is but that requires running a script.

Can I update my windows which is Enterprise with that ISO which does not contain Enterprise edition? –
