What does "+N levels damage in combat" mean in Geneforge 2?

Solution 1:

Like most spiderweb software games, Geneforge 2 uses dice to calculate attack damage. You can find out what kind of dice a weapon or spell uses by dividing its maximum damage with its minimum damage.

For example, a dagger deals 2-14 damage so 14/2=7 means the dagger uses d7 to calculate damage. I've found that all weapons in Geneforge 2 use the same die, but that may not be the case of spells.

The amount of dice is the base amount for the weapon or spell plus strength, melee, bows, spellcraft, etc. Of course a melee attack isn't improved by spellcraft while a spell isn't improved by strength.

+N levels damage in combat adds N dice to every damage roll your character does. This modifier is particularly useful for characters that use both normal attacks and spells regularly like the agent.

Source: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/12456-levels-damage/