Why does "last" command return logins from ""?

Every time I look at the login history on my Ubuntu server (20.04.3), I see a few entries from my router's ip "". I myself log in remotely via ssh, but my sessions don't coincide with these. If I use the -d option, it confirms it is my router by substituting these entries with my router my router name.local. Each session log is only a couple seconds at the most, so I can't see what it is doing while it's logged in, and I don't think it is a person. Why is that showing up, or if my router actually has something to do with it, then what?

I have figured this one out on my own. If you'll look at my other question regarding this server (Windows CMD "or" Symbol ("||") Only Works Sometimes) the problem there is the cause of this one too. You see, every time SSH exited with 255, it caused the script to log me in again via my public ip which my router forwards to the server thus logging me in again which is annoying, but every time that happened I just harrumphed and immediately logged out again (which explains why the session is logged as usually under a minute) without ever checking what was going on. Now from that question being answered it is clear that it is because of the last command being run giving the error status and causing my local computer to log in again, so I tried reproducing the problem and checking things out when logging in from the local subnet but through the public ip. Usually when logging in remotely it will actually show the public ip of the client as the source of the user it is logged in as, but when using the same command from the local network and running w, I can see that it thinks it is coming from the router because it is forwarding the connection from my laptop to the server even though they are both on the same network
