How can I mark "To Do" comments in Xcode?

I got it.

Writing comment like:

// TODO: Do something

Will do the trick.

I got something like:


Also there is a lot of options like:

  1. // FIXME: Midhun

  2. // ???: Midhun

  3. // !!!: Midhun

  4. // MARK: Midhun

// TODO: the thing todo

Is how you show todo tasks.

Using the

//TODO: some thing here

works if all you want to do is to look at the list of todos in the drop down

If you want to be intrusive you can use #warning marks instead:

#warning this will create a compiler warning.

And when you build the app you will get a compiler warning (a yellow triangle, not a compiler error) which is a little more "in your face" about reminding you of things you need to do.