Convert AV1 container file to AV1 bitstream with ffmpeg

I want to extract AV1 bitstream from an AV1 container file(webm, mkv etc). For H264 files this command works:

ffmpeg -i trial.mp4 -c:v copy new.h264

But when same is used for AV1 bitstream:

ffmpeg -i trial.webm -c:v copy new.av1

It throws an error: Unable to find suitable output format for 'new.av1'

I tried vcodec copy as well, and getting the same result. Can anyone help me out in converting Av1 container to bitstream?

Solution 1:

AV1 bitstream can be muxed using the OBU muxer.

ffmpeg -i trial.webm -c:v copy new.obu