Could not load file or assembly version

I have installed MS SQL Server 2008 R2 and when I try to update model from database under EDMX file I am facing that error.

Could not load file or assembly version

I have tried to install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Shared Management Objects from here but no joy.

Solution 1:

Problem: (Sql server 2014) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

PS: You may need install DB2OLEDBV5_x64.msi or DB2OLEDBV5_x86.msi too.

Problem: (Sql server 2012) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

Problem: (Sql server 2008) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • 1033\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • 1033\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

(In most cases downloading this is better

then install it, and restart visual studio.

Problem: I recently got similar problem after installing SharedManagementObjects. assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version= not found by visual studio. The problem was Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio was not installed yet.

Solution: for Visual Studio 2013 just go to and download:

  • vcredist_x64.exe for X64 OS or
  • vcredist_x86.exe for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

PS: You can find Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 20XX for other versions of Visual Studio easily by googling it.

Solution 2:

Just want to share my experience on this.

I, too, encountered this error. I'm using MS Visual Studio 2013 and I have an MS SQL Server 2008, though I have had MS SQL Server 2012 Installed before.

I was banging my head on this error for a day. I tried installing SharedManagementObject, SQLSysClrTypes and Native Client, but it didn't work. Why? Well I finally figured that I was installing 2008 or 2012 version of the said files, while I'm using Visual Studio 2013!! My idea is since it is a database issue, the version of the files should be the same with the MS SQL Server installed on the laptop, but apparently, I should have installed the 2013 version because the error is from the Visual Studio and not from the SQL Server.