Dragging a file from anywhere onto a batch file that creates a shortcut to that file at a specific directory
Solution 1:
This batch script creates a temporary VBScript in the %temp% folder. Would this be the expected result?
@echo off
if /i not exist "%~1" exit
set SDestination=d:\ScenaryPhotos
If /i not exist "%SDestination%" md "%SDestination%"
pushd "%SDestination%"
echo strTargetPath="%~nx1.lnk">"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo Dim objShortcut, objShell>>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")>>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo Set objShortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut (strTargetPath)>>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo objShortcut.TargetPath = "%~1">>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo objShortcut.WorkingDirectory = "%SDestination%">>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo objShortcut.Save>>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
echo WScript.Quit>>"%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\tempvbs.vbs"