Zoom waiting room -- How to ensure only host can see new participants?

Solution 1:

As far as I'm aware, a standrd participant shouldn't be notified when someone is in the waiting room. This leaves a few possibilities:

  1. It was a glitch, in which case you should contact Zoom support
  2. You were somehow a cohost without realizing it (seems unlikely, but still possible)
  3. Most Likely: The host has their account configured so that you bypassed the waiting room and as a result had the ability to admit people from the waiting room

Option 3 requires two settings to be configured:

  1. Who goes into the waiting room set to a value that allowed you to bypass it
  2. Who can admit participants from the waiting room set to include people that bypassed the waiting room

Option 3 also requires that "host and co-hosts are not present"

Overall, it's unlikely other participants will get notified unlesss very specific circumstances are met. I tested it out using my Zoom account and only the host was notified when someone joined the waiting room.