Where does git clone save downloaded files to on Windows?

It's Windows 10 and git installed is v2.34.1 for Windows downloaded from http://git-scm.com.

I downloaded a zip file from https://github.com/nvpro-samples/build_all, unzipped it to a new folder, and right-clicked "Run as administrator" on the clone_all.bat file which run git clone command repeatedly. It ran with a lot of download messages, but after it finished uttering these messages, I can see no files download in the folder containing clone_all.bat. If I run the clone_all.bat file again, the messages in the console told me that "Already up to date." I guess that the first execution did save the downloaded files to somewhere but not the current directory. So, how can I figure out where git clone save downloaded files to on Windows? PS, I didn't see .git folder either.

Solution 1:

Without additional arguments, git clone will create a directory with the repository's name under the current running directory, and clone the repository into it.

Reading through the script, on each folder call it goes up one direcotry level (i.e., ..) and executes a git clone command. I.e., when the script is done, you should have a series of directories on the same level as build_all, each one containing one of those demo projects, and having its own .git folder.