Intel uhd 620 reports graphics memory as 4 GB, is this legit?

I installed the latest Intel uhd 620 driver and I started the control panel and headed over to the driver section and it reports the graphics memory as 4054 MB. Why is it showing this when other software from third parties says the uhd has a vram of 128Mbs? Is there something like minimum and maximum graphics memory?, enlighten me please.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Intel UHD graphics solutions use your CPU RAM. This is known as "shared" graphics memory.

The figure you are seeing is for the maximum amount of shared memory that the GPU will have access too, not that it has its own private memory.

Open the Windows Task Manager, go to the "performance" tab and click the GPU graph on the left hand side and you should see what memory your GPU is using.

enter image description here

The Intel GPU will likely show "0" for dedicated RAM as the integrated graphics chips do not have their own private RAM.

The "shared" memory will tell you how much of the 4GB is in use.