Is there any way to remove certain pinned Apps / links from Windows 11 taskbar / start menu with PowerShell?

I need to remove certain pinned Apps (Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Store, Prime Video etc.) from the Windows 11 taskbar and start menu with powershell.

I have done lots of Googling but I couldn't find a working solution. All the Windows 10 solutions do not work.

Solution 1:

Transcribing steps from an online article, DO let us know if it works:

  1. Pin apps to the Start Menu the way you like it
  2. Copy file %LocalAppData%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\start.bin
  3. Paste/move file to Default users directory %SystemDrive%\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\. In the past that meant it'd only apply to NEW user profiles so if you have existing profiles you either have to delete them so they get recreate on user login OR copy this file to their profile & have them sign out & back in (or restart)

I'm curious if it'll work in the long term since it APPEARS this isn't an approved MS way of doing things possibly indicating it was an intentional design choice by Microsoft and/or a glaring oversight given this functionality existed & was changed since Win10. As @John's answer indicated Microsoft has indicated in the past (notably with file associations) their intentional design making it so ONLY users can tweak things that previously programmers/admins can tweak for users.