Sum numerical values in excel, ignoring text
If I had cells containing, say,
- Red 4
- Blue 3
- 2
- 1
And I'm trying to sum the values, what formula could I use to derive the correct total, 10. The number will always be less than 10 and the rightmost character, if that helps.
If there is always only 1 digit and it is always on the end:
Some Older versions will require the use of Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when confirming the formula.
Right pulls the right most character and the --
tries to turn it from a string to a number, if it cannot become a number it will error and the IFERROR will capture that and make it 0
. Then we sum the whole array.
You need a VBA function for summing up all numbers from a range of cells, even for the case that there are several numbers in the same cell.
The function can look like:
Function SumNumbers(rngS As Range, Optional strDelim As String = " ") As Double
Dim xNums As Variant, lngNum As Long
For Each elem In rngS
xNums = Split(elem, strDelim)
For lngNum = LBound(xNums) To UBound(xNums) Step 1
SumNumbers = SumNumbers + Val(xNums(lngNum))
Next lngNum
Next elem
End Function
And may be called by a formula such as =SumNumbers(A5:B5)
To create the function, save the spreadsheet as an .xlsm
type Alt+F11 to open the VBA editor,
right-click "ThisWorkbook" and select Insert > Module, and
copy-paste the above text inside the editor.
Press Ctrl+S to save the spreadsheet, and then
Alt+Q to close the VBA editor and return to Excel.