Dual boot Endeavor OS changed to EFI hard drive after BIOS update

I dual booted windows 11 and Endeavor OS on my HP notebook without any problem, but after a BIOS update the Boot options menu listed Endeavour os as EFI hard drive.

Image showing problem

Also now the OS boot manager doesn't show Endeavour OS as another OS and thus cannot choose the os on bootup.

Image showing problem

Any help would be much appreciated.

Update: I reinstalled Grub and now I can see grub in the OS boot manager, but when I tried to change the order it wouldn't let me, and also when I tried changing the order from EasyUEFI it would always reset after rebooting, How can I fix this?


I fixed the problem by first re-installing grub in root and then later changing the OS boot manager order in the BIOS, which solved my problem, The thing I didn't know was that you had to press F10 after changing the OS boot manager order or else it wouldn't get saved.