Are there any alternatives to py2exe? [closed]

Are there any alternatives to py2exe?

Solution 1:

pyInstaller is cross-platform and very powerful, with many third-party packages (matplotlib, numpy, PyQT4, ...) specially supported "out of the box", support for eggs, code-signing on Windows (and a couple other Windows-only goodies, optional binary packing... the works!-) The one big issue: the last "released" version, 1.3, is ages-old -- you absolutely must install the SVN trunk version, svn co pyinstaller (or the 1.4 pre-release, but I haven't tested that one). A fair summary of its capabilities as of 6 months ago is here (in English, despite the Italian URL;-).

Solution 2:

cx_Freeze is cross-platform and does the same, or you could use py2app, which works on mac only.

Solution 3:

Here's a list of them.

  1. Py2exe
  2. PyInstaller
  3. cx_Freeze
  4. bbfreeze
  5. py2app

You might also consider Nuitka, which compiles python to native code.