How to get apt-get to call apt-fast?

Have been using apt-fast for a while now and really liking it. In case you don't know it is useful to speed up apt-get. However, I have a few questions regarding apt-fast:

  1. I would like to make any call to apt-get run apt-fast. I'm assuming I can put a script called "apt-get" in my ~/bin folder that executes apt-fast... so maybe I'm answering my own question on this first one.

    Would a script like this work?

    exec apt-fast $@
    exit 0
  2. apt-fast does not seem to speed up the very thing I wish it sped up most - apt-get update

    I would like apt-fast to make apt-get update run faster. Is this possible?

You can create an alias for apt-get in your home directory. To do so, follow these:

  1. Open a terminal and do this command:

    touch ~/.bash_aliases; gedit ~/.bash_aliases
  2. In the new opened file, type these and save and exit.

    alias apt-get='apt-fast'

Then, whenever you run apt-get, apt-fast will run instead

For more info, see this page


apt-fast does not make 'apt-get update' faster. If you'll check the code, e.g.

vi /usr/bin/apt-fast

You'll find the line:

if echo "$@" | grep -q "upgrade\|install\|dist-upgrade"; then
apt-get "@"

Which means that apt-fast does nothing in all other commands except in upgrade, install, and dist-upgrade.