Does a scheduled task in Windows that is triggered by an event run continually?

I created a scheduled task in Windows 7 that is supposed to be triggered when an event happens. Well, the event happened, and the action did not get performed?

Does a scheduled task in Windows that is triggered by an event run continually?

If so, should it get triggered if the event occurs during the period when Windows is starting from cold boot? If not, can it be configured to look back 60 seconds?

I can break this up into separate questions if our community prefers, but I didn't want to spam... just let me know.

Scheduled Tasks should get invoked whenever the event Trigger conditions are met.
Depending on the Action that is being executed (e.g. Start a program) that may run continually until the process / application is terminated. Event based Triggers should be able to run from startup and before logon.

To troubleshoot if the Trigger (or Action) is failing:

  • enable task history
  • recreate the trigger / manually run the task
  • check the task history for success/failures and details

If the Trigger is working, but the Action fails, it could be privileges or settings on the task General tab need to be adjusted and/or the 'Run with highest privileges' enabled and 'Hidden' is unchecked**.

Alternately, the Action may need arguments passed and/or a path defined. Batch files often require this and may need to be passed through cmd. There's a good post here

**It should be noted that Run whether User is logged on or not will not work for interactive applications. The process will launch (e.g. Notepad.exe), but you will not be able to interact with it.