scp or sftp copy multiple files with single command

I'd like to copy files from/to remote server in different directories. For example, I want to run these 4 commands at once.

scp remote:A/1.txt local:A/1.txt
scp remote:A/2.txt local:A/2.txt
scp remote:B/1.txt local:B/1.txt
scp remote:C/1.txt local:C/1.txt

What is the easiest way to do that?

Solution 1:

Copy multiple files from remote to local:

$ scp [email protected]:/some/remote/directory/\{a,b,c\} ./

Copy multiple files from local to remote:

$ scp foo.txt bar.txt [email protected]:~
$ scp {foo,bar}.txt [email protected]:~
$ scp *.txt [email protected]:~

Copy multiple files from remote to remote:

$ scp [email protected]:/some/remote/directory/foobar.txt \
[email protected]:/some/remote/directory/


Solution 2:

From local to server:

scp file1.txt [email protected]:~/pathtoupload

From server to local:

scp -T [email protected]:"file1.txt file2.txt" "~/yourpathtocopy"

Solution 3:

You can copy whole directories with using -r switch so if you can isolate your files into own directory, you can copy everything at once.

scp -r ./dir-with-files user@remote-server:upload-path

scp -r user@remote-server:path-to-dir-with-files download-path

so for instance

scp -r [email protected]:/var/log ~/backup-logs

Or if there is just few of them, you can use:

scp 1.txt 2.txt 3.log user@remote-server:upload-path