"Add" button in MSOffice Word Autocorrect Options is grayed out when trying to replace -- with a dash

I am talking about these settings:

enter image description here

Here it says The Add button does not become enabled until you type some text in the:- With: - box.

But that's not the case here; the button stays gray:

enter image description here

Am I missing something?

Solution 1:

I think that you have entered in the Replace field the value of -- , which ends with a blank.

Auto Correct does not accept a blank at the end or the beginning of the "Replace" string, because apparently this does not agree with its algorithm for identifying the strings. Perhaps because a blank in the input will launch the Auto Correct string-search, so the blank itself cannot be searched-for unless it is in the middle of the string.

As your entry is invalid, Word will not let you enter it. The Add button will stay disabled as long as you have not removed that ending blank.

Solution 2:

What you are asking for may be interfering with an AutoFormat as you type setting. That replaces two hyphens with an en-dash. Try checking that box and seeing if it does what you want. This also replaces a single hyphen surrounded by spaces between words with an en-dash.

AutoFormat as you type dialog

P.S. I would recommend against checking the box to automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker.