Does Microsoft publish a list of localized month/ day names

I would like to have a table / database of localized month/ day names (I am using Windows). I can create this list using a software and the Windows API, but before I venture there, I wonder if there is a public list from Microsoft of

  • Month Long Name
  • Month Short Name
  • Day Long Name
  • Day Short Name

.. based on locale.

Or, does microsoft simply implement the Unicode CLDR definitions ?

Solution 1:

You can use Powershell to get the long and short month and day' names all locales. Open Powershell and enter the following:

[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures) | 
    foreach { $a = $_.DisplayName; 
        $b = $_.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames; 
        $c = $_.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames; 
        $d = $_.DateTimeFormat.DayNames; 
        $e = $_.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames;  
        write "Name: $a `n`tMonths Long Name: $b `n`tMonths Short Name: $c`n`tDays Long Name: $d`n`tDays Short Name: $e`n"
        } | Out-File locales.txt

The result is exported to a file named locales.txt

If, for example, you want to obtain only for fr-Fr or ja-JP:

[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures) | 
    where{ $_.Name -eq 'fr-FR' -or $_.Name -eq 'ja-JP' } | 
    foreach { $a = $_.DisplayName; 
        $b = $_.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames; 
        $c = $_.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames; 
        $d = $_.DateTimeFormat.DayNames; 
        $e = $_.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames;  
        write "Name: $a `n`tMonths Long Name: $b `n`tMonths Short Name: $c`n`tDays Long Name: $d`n`tDays Short Name: $e`n"
        } | Out-File locales.txt

File with locales