Show warnings to colleagues in outlook when trying to book meetings out of office hours

Not sure if this is possible but I have an issue with colleagues booking me for meetings outside of office hours. I'm in a different time zone than most of them so it's understandable that it happens, but it's getting annoying to have to explain on the regular that it's outside of my office hours. I know you can set working hours but nobody looks at that when sending an invitation. Is there any way to set up my outlook so that others see some form of warning or popup or anything that tells them that I'm out of office when they're sending an invitation outside of office hours?

According to my research, I didn't found a way to pop up warnings or other things when others create meetings and add people who are out of office.

As a workaround, it's suggested that you could set the time to display when you are out of office in Outlook client, and then other colleagues can know you status when arranging meetings. For more information, please refer to: Add time away from the office to coworkers' Outlook calendars.