Regarding Failure on Software Vs Hardware Raid

I have been researching Hardware RAID systems for a while now. I have been wondering, what happens if the raid controller on the motherboard or the motherboard itself is damaged? Is there anyway i can recover my data in such a situation. The reason i ask is because most motherboard failures are usually after 5 to 10 years after installation. What happens if for example i am not able to find replacement motherboard after the failure because its dated technology. Would there be any way for me to recover my data? Because as i understand all manufactures have unique ways of writing data on disk for RAID so no 2 manufacturers can read each other's data. Please advise what do most people do in case of failure in cause of hardware raid?

I understand software RAID does solve this problem but it comes at a price of speed and thats why i am researching hardware RAID

Cards from different manufactures are typically not compatible, although different cards from the same manufacturer usually are. There is no standard format for RAID metadata that is compatible across all RAID controllers and software RAID implementations.

Compatibility among controllers of the same manufacturer is usually a deliberate policy on the part to allow substitution of parts if an older model is no longer available in stock. It also helps with upselling existing customers onto higher-level equipment with an easy migration path - just move the disks into the new SAN and mount the volumes.

Note however that OEM contracts and mergers and acquisitions mean that manufacturers may have several incompatible product lines when incorporating hardware technology that is different from their old one. Some research may be required to avoid such cases.