How to add code snippets in Android Studio IDE?

Solution 1:

To add/edit templates:

On the menu choose File -> Settings, then under IDE Settings (or Editor) go to Live Templates.

To insert a template:

On the menu choose Code -> Insert Live Template (or use it's assigned shortcut key).

Screenshot Android Studio 3.4 Add Live Templete Android Studio 3.4

Solution 2:

Code snippets are known as Live Templates in Android Studio

Browse the current Live Templates

Go to File > Settings > Editor > Live Templates. Then click on the different options to see what they do.

enter image description here

Here are some interesting ones:

  • foreach

    for ($i$ : $data$) {
  • Toast

    android.widget.Toast.makeText($className$.this, "$text$", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  • todo

    // TODO: $date$ $todo$ 
  • logi

    android.util.Log.i(TAG, "$METHOD_NAME$: $content$");

The words surrounded by $ signs are places where things will be filled in automatically from the context or where the user can tab through to fill them in.

Use a Live Template

Just type in the abbreviation and tab through anything that you need to fill in.



and I'm given this

Log.i(TAG, "myMethodName: |");

with the cursor located at the position I marked with the vertical line |.

Make you own Live Template

Just write the code, highlight it, and go to Tools > Save as Live Template.

Further Study

  • Creating and Editing Live Templates (IntelliJ docs)
  • Level-up with Android Studio Shortcuts and Live Templates
  • Android Studio Live Templates

Solution 3:

Go to Settings (File > Settings, or CTRLALT + S) then search for "Live Templates".

A template screen will be opened. You can see here all live templates and you can also create your own custom live templates.

It is important that you choose the correct template group to define your new template (e.g. "Android").

As an example, I will define a Toast method as a live template.

You can also click "use static import as possible" not to be handle importing stuff.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Solution 4:

Cntr + j : to insert an existant live template. File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code style -> live Templates >> add a template with button + edit your template and OK :)