Python - How do I convert "an OS-level handle to an open file" to a file object?
Solution 1:
You can use
os.write(tup[0], "foo\n")
to write to the handle.
If you want to open the handle for writing you need to add the "w" mode
f = os.fdopen(tup[0], "w")
Solution 2:
Here's how to do it using a with statement:
from __future__ import with_statement
from contextlib import closing
fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp()
with closing(os.fdopen(fd, 'w')) as tf:
Solution 3:
You forgot to specify the open mode ('w') in fdopen(). The default is 'r', causing the write() call to fail.
I think mkstemp() creates the file for reading only. Calling fdopen with 'w' probably reopens it for writing (you can reopen the file created by mkstemp).